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Stay on Target: The Mission of God and the Church - Wednesday, September 28 | he is God: reality

Wednesday, September 28 | he is God: reality

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Psalm 95

“For He is our God.” When we come together for worship as a community, we are aligned together. We align over the reality of who God is. Read Psalm 95, noting the descriptions of God.

When we affirm together that God is God, we are affirming that we are not. When we affirm together that God is powerful, we affirm our dependence on Him. When we affirm that God is love, we affirm the loving relational environment we’ve been invited into. When we affirm that God has a history of rescuing His people, we can affirm together that He will hold our community. When we affirm that God has a character of justice, we can have hope as a community when faced with injustice. When we affirm who God is, it drastically affects the way our community functions!

When we affirm that God is God, then it is His mission that gets preeminence in our community! When we affirm that God is God and that God cares about restoring shalom, then we will be given a clear choice about what our lives will be about.

This aspect of worship is so important! In a lot of the places we go, people operate as if they are God. As if they have to save themselves, figure things out for themselves, and achieve for themselves. My two favorite Disney movies both basically have the message that we are our own source of salvation: “It was inside you all along!”

So, when we gather together in worship- we together realign our hearts around the critical reality that God is God. 

Take some time today to confess who God is, and maybe even some ways you have been tempted to forget. Praise God for His character and His acts.  Ask Him to help you stay aligned to the reality that He is God.