
Baptism is how we express our desire to follow Jesus. At Harbor we practice believer’s baptism, meaning we baptize people after they have made a decision to follow Jesus.

What is baptism?

At Harbor, we believe that baptism is a symbol. It demonstrates what Jesus has done for us. It is a picture of Jesus helping us die to our sin (symbolized in going under the water) and come alive to a new life in Him (symbolized in coming up out of the water).


What does baptism mean?

Baptism signifies our identification with Christ and with the rest of the Church, and it functions as a “commissioning” moment- sending the baptized person into a life lived in service to Christ.


When can I be baptized?

Here at Harbor, we don’t have a baptistery that is set up all the time, so we do need to plan ahead a LITTLE. We do baptisms during the worship service throughout the year, as well as an occasional outdoor baptism service when weather allows. If you want to get baptized on a day that isn’t already planned- we can also ask to use the baptistery at other community churches- so just plan ahead and communicate with Pastor Kati and we can make it happen!


What happens before I’m baptized?

We’ll want you to talk with one of our ministry leaders to schedule a date for your baptism and to make sure you’re ready.

We also create short testimony videos to be shown the day of your baptism. Your ministry leader can help coordinate a time to record that video OR you can record it yourself on your phone.


What should I wear?

For your baptism, wear dark colored clothes that you don’t mind getting wet, OR we have t-shirts for every one. Bring dry clothes to change into afterwards (don’t forget underclothes!)


What will it be like?

In the water, the person baptizing you will ask you to repeat the confession of faith that Peter made in Matthew 16:16—“I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

Then, you’ll hold your right wrist with your left hand, pinching your nose (to keep the water out!)

The person baptizing you will then say, “It is upon your confession of faith that I now baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

Bend your knees and fall backward—your baptizer will help you; and then come back up out of the water—your baptizer will help you.

Congratulations! Everyone will be clapping and cheering! Look around at your Harbor Family- they love you and they are walking with you as you follow Jesus!


Who can baptize me?

Scripture doesn’t mandate that only ordained ministers baptize; only that the baptizers be baptized Christians themselves. Thus, you may choose to have another baptized Christian baptize you, who has been spiritually impactful in your life.

Can I invite family & friends?

YES! Be thinking about who you might invite to your baptism! What a great way to share your faith in Christ with people in your life!

Get Baptized!

Baptism is in outward expression of an inward decision. If you are interested in getting baptized, you can sign up using the form below by providing your name, contact information, and any other required details. Once you have submitted the form, you will be contacted by our church with more information!

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