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Stay on Target: The Mission of God and the Church - Tuesday,, October 4 | It’s practical: 2 ARE better than 1

Tuesday,, October 4 | It’s practical: 2 ARE better than 1

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

“Together.” This word inevitably makes me start singing songs from High School Musical. We’re better together. It’s a cliché but in the words of Emily Gilmore from the show Gilmore Girls, “cliches are just true things that people are tired of being true.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 talks about the practical reason for community. Solomon says that it just makes sense to do things together. Two can do more than one. Two can keep warm. Two can withstand an attack. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. 

It's a cliché: two are better than one. But it’s a cliché because it’s true. We need each other because we can accomplish more together than we can apart. We’re stronger together than we are apart. We need each other because what is a struggle for me is easy for you. We need each other because when I don’t see the whole picture, you might see something helpful that I missed.

God didn’t just call one person when he called Abraham. He created a PEOPLE - Abraham’s descendants. Because he knew that staying focused on God’s mission might be hard sometimes, and it would probably help to have a community.

This might all seem obvious, but the past couple of years of living through a global pandemic have made many of us shrink back from community in different ways. There are things that are easier to do alone. Sometimes we resist needing each other. But God created us for community. For relationships.  And we can’t accomplish God’s mission on our own. 

Do you ever struggle to acknowledge that you need other people? If there’s an area of your life you tend to close off to others, maybe today you can ask for God’s help in naming 3 ways that area would be better if you let someone in.