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Harbor of Hope

Staff Blog - Note from Jed's Desk (#1)

Note from Jed's Desk (#1)

Posted by Jed Mullenix on

As we wrap up 2014, I want to briefly share my prayer for you in the season ahead.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:6...
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
My prayer for you is that you would lean into what God is already doing in you! That as a result of seeing His great love for you, you will love Him and others more. That you will continue to experience God’s generosity toward you and in turn, become a person who expresses Jesus-honoring generosity. That you will rest in the tireless and unceasing work of God in your life, knowing for certain that one day Jesus will return to complete what He started. And finally, that your life will be filled with joy, peace, and unity in the year ahead. 
Harbor... I love you and am full of joy to be a part of this community with you. This weekend, I will be teaching from Haggai, chapter 2, and encouraging you to see the year ahead in light of the God who is with us and will never leave us.
As you prepare to attend a worship gathering, consider inviting a friend to join you. Be encouraged that during the weekend of our Christmas Celebration services, almost 800 people walked through Harbor’s doors. This means that you are actively praying for and inviting people to join you and to encounter Christ in a meaningful way!
Never underestimate the power of a simple invitation.
Have a great New Year!