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Harbor of Hope

Lent: A Season of Reflection - March 27 | The Fourth Sunday of Lent | Hard-Hearted

March 27 | The Fourth Sunday of Lent | Hard-Hearted

Posted by Kati Pessin on


Read Mark 10:1-12

It is lawful? Once again, we read the religious folks coming to Jesus with a question. Marriage was a hot topic back then, just like it is now. Their question wasn’t really about divorce. In the same way, many theological debates today aren’t really about whatever the thing is being debated.

The question was about whether or not Jesus was on their team. Whether or not he interpreted Scripture the way they thought he should. Whether or not he aligned with them.

Jesus knows this, and refuses to get drawn into a debate. Jesus wasn’t interested in debating exactly how to arbitrate the tragic effects of sin on marriage in a broken world. Jesus was concerned with God’s Kingdom. With God’s vision for the world.

In a time where we are again tempted to draw lines around those on “our team” politically or theologically, let’s ask God to help us see the big picture of His Kingdom.


Today, confess ways in which you’ve been caught up in making sure other people are on “your team.” Ask God to help you see the world the way He does, in the big picture of His Kingdom.