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Harbor of Hope

Lent: A Season of Reflection - March 25 | Unbelief

March 25 | Unbelief

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Mark 9:14-29

I believe, help my unbelief. This is one of the most honest confessions of faith in all of Scripture. This father loves his son and is weary from watching him suffer. Four times in this passage, we read about the affliction this boy has been suffering.

Even the disciples were unable to heal this poor, oppressed boy. So this father, desperate for healing, but weary from false hope answers Jesus honestly. He wants to believe. But he can’t. His hopes have been dashed so many times that his heart is unable to believe.  

How beautiful that Jesus honors this man’s cry for help. That he again has compassion on the crowd. That instead of punishing the man for his trouble believing, He sees the authenticity of his cry for help, and meets him there.

It is unavoidable that there will be times in our lives where we are struggling to believe the goodness, love, and power of God. Sometimes the heaviness of the world around us is too much.

Even there, we can cry out, like the father, for help.


“I believe, help my unbelief.” Pray this today over an area of your life where you have struggled to trust God. Confess your honest desire to have faith, and rest in His compassion.