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Harbor of Hope

Lent: A Season of Reflection - March 21 | Compassion

March 21 | Compassion

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Mark 7:24-8:10

He had compassion on them. This is a common phrase we read about Jesus in the Gospels. Over and over, as he looks at people, he sees deep into their hearts, sees how much they need grace, food, healing, forgiveness, hope; and he has compassion on them.

Often, he has compassion even when the disciples are urging him to move along, do something more important, or leave the people to fend for themselves.

But Jesus is consistently moved by his compassion into action that serves the people around him.  He provides food, blessings, healing.

How often are we moved to compassion by people in need? Are our hearts soft enough to people that we are moved to action by their needs? Or do we see people as an inconvenience, in the way of what is really important?


Today, take some time to confess where in your life you have been slow to compassionate action on behalf of others. In this season of Lent, ask Jesus to make you aware of the needs of others. If you are fasting this season, take the time you fast today to serve someone else.