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Harbor of Hope

Lent: A Season of Reflection - April 4 | Questions

April 4 | Questions

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Mark 12:13-34

I have a question. The dialogue between Jesus and the religious leaders ramped up in this chapter. Three times, someone asks Jesus a question.

The first two times, it seems clear that the person asking the question was trying to trap Jesus. Trap him into a wrong answer. Trap Him into acknowledging that THEIR theology was the right one.

But the third person asks a question, “seeing that [Jesus] answered them well.” Intrigued or impressed, this man asked about the greatest commandment and appears to agree with Jesus’ answer.

Something about the question he asked or the way he asked the question prompted Jesus to respond, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.”

I love that Jesus will answer all our questions. He answers questions asked with ulterior motives and without. He answers questions that try to manipulate him, and he answers questions when we ask with an honest heart.


Today, let’s thank God for being willing to answer our questions. Let’s confess when we’re like those who only ask questions in order to manipulate or avoid truth. Let’s ask Him to help us be honest and open when we ask questions, and to be obedient with the answers.