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Harbor of Hope

Lent: A Season of Reflection - April 3 | The Fifth Sunday of Lent | Rejected

April 3 | The Fifth Sunday of Lent | Rejected

Posted by Kati Pessin on

Read Mark 12:1-12

They perceived… The opposition between Jesus and the religious establishment picks up steam in Mark 10-12, with seven different interactions.

This parable seems to be the first parable that the religious establishment (called the Sanhedrin) even comes close to understanding. Although it had been hard to understand the point of Jesus’ other parables, this parable seemed to be clear enough for them to get it.

The religious establishment is driven by fear of the people. They were afraid of the way the crowd was responding to Jesus… believing him. Following Him.

The Sanhedrin were not able, like John, to say that “He must become greater, I must become less.” Instead, they fought to keep their status. Instead of accepting the reality that Heaven had come to earth in the person of Jesus, they rejected Him.

Verses 10 and 11 tell us that Jesus knew exactly what would happen. That he would be rejected. But He also knew that the rejection wouldn’t be the end.


Today, let’s ask God to help us accept the position of Jesus in our lives, as our King. Help us seek to, like John, become less, so that He will be greater in our lives.