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Harbor of Hope

Staff Blog - I want to pray like this...

I want to pray like this...

Posted by Jed Mullenix on

When you pray, do you believe that God is able to answer? At times I wonder whether I honestly believe that God delights in answering the prayers of his people! Do our prayer lives show that we take Jesus at his word when He says…

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:19-20

I want to pray like this. I want to pray like Charles Finney…

In the 1830’s, an intense drought was threatening to wipe out the small farming community of Oberlin, Ohio. During that time a young pastor named Charles Finney was overseeing the Presbyterian congregation in town. One Sunday morning, Finney woke up feeling compelled by God to pray for rain. So he did. At the beginning of the worship gathering, Finney prayed…

‘Lord we do not presume to tell you the ways that you should provide for us, but as a Father you invite your children to come to you with the desires of our hearts and so we come before you now. Lord we pray for rain. Our crops are dying. We cannot feed our cattle. Lord we ask you for rain and we ask for it now.’

Finney concluded his prayer and continued on with worship as usual. It was about halfway through the sermon when those present heard the first low rumble of distant thunder. By the time he was finished preaching the first drops of rain had begun to fall heavily on the roof of the sanctuary and became more and more frequent. Before long the room was filled with the thunderous sound of water cascading down in sheets on the rooftop. While tears streamed down the cheeks of the people in the pews Finney himself began to sing a hymn of thanksgiving to God while the congregation wept in wonder and in praise.

I want to pray like this! I want to believe that the God who showered Oberlin, Ohio in a display of his might and power is willing and able to answer our bold requests when we pray in His name and for His glory!

This is why we have started a monthly prayer gathering at Harbor. To set aside a time when we can come together to collectively voice our hearts to God in prayer! Whether prayer if familiar or foreign to you, join us as we boldly ask God to show his hand in our lives, our community and our world.

After the rain fell in Oberlin, those present recalled that the most remarkable part of the experience was that as Finney preached that morning, his umbrella stood beside him on stage. Someone later said about prayer…

“It is one thing to pray for rain. It is quite another to bring your umbrella.”

Let us learn to take Jesus at his word. Let’s confess our unbelief to Him. Let’s pray boldly.

And let’s believe God for rain.