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Harbor of Hope

Staff Blog

But Who Does God Say You Are?

Posted by Anastasia Bryan on

Our mission in the Young Adult’s group at Harbor is to help young adults find their way back to God through falling in love with God’s word in community. It has been such a blessing to see the provisions and truths of a faithful God! One of the most beautiful things I’ve seen...

Backpacks and Boulders

Posted by Rachel Rader on

Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 Help each other, be there for each other, take care of each other. This probably sounds about right to those of us who have spent some time in the church. We should do these things, right? Those things...

Why Love Lowell?

Posted by Laura Haven on

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions”. 1 John 3:18 This past weekend, we had over 50 people from Harbor serve at 6 different organizations around Lowell. On Friday, volunteers helped at a mobile food market full...


Posted by Emma Liddle on

Racism is alive and well in the United States. There’s no denying it. In case you’re tempted to say it’s “gone,” that the civil rights movement changed all that, that we are all equal, that race-based discrimination and white privilege don’t exist, all you...

Grace in Action

Posted by Danielle Athanas on

I am broken. I am a sinner. This is important when I think about grace in action in my own life because if I don’t start from this point then I am losing sight of the beautiful gift of grace that God has given us in the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus. A Jesus who time and again taught...

Daily Eternal Perspective

Posted by Emma Liddle on

Question for myself: How do I act when the apocalypse happens? Well, not great. A few months ago, I read the book Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren, and she points out that the word “apocalypse” actually means “to reveal” to “unveil” reality...

Bear Hunts and Obstacles

Posted by Danielle Athanas on

There’s a children’s book called “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” that leads a family through woods, grass, a river, a snowstorm, and a cave on their way to find the ever elusive bear. As they come upon each obstacle, they realize that they can’t go over it, they...

Big Shoes

Posted by Emma Liddle on

What is the biggest thing holding you back in your spiritual life? There are probably a whole ton of answers to that question, but I wonder if many of them might actually fall under the umbrella of “myself.” It’s definitely not God who’s doing it. He’s waiting for...

Created on Purpose

Posted by Danielle Athanas on

“God created us on purpose for a purpose.”I don’t remember the first time I heard that said, but when Kelly started off her message last Sunday with these words I was reminded of the power that the statement holds. If you pause and think about it, these words mean two key...